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Cartoons were everything to me as a child, especially Pokémon. It was what got me into drawing. After finishing high school I didn't have any idea what I wanted to do so I decided to continue with art and I also decided to study photography, interactive media and film and TV. These combinations of subjects made me realise that I wanted to pursue a career in the creative industry. A particular module in my Film and TV class was what inspired me to look into animation more and the more research I did the more I wanted to be apart of this incredible industry. 


I am now a student currently studying at South Wales University. This is my final year of study on the BA (Hons) Computer Animation course. 

Over the course of three years I have learned and explored many areas of computer animation, from modelling and lighting to rigging and animating. However I soon found my interest more in the movement of characters rather than creating them. I wanted to bring characters to life. Since first year I began to focus on animation and rigging and developing my skills in both areas. 

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